Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Taipei 2011 (Day 3)-19 Sep 2011

Day 3!We woke up early in the morning to get breakfast at Yong He Dou Jiang which L said was really famous.Their soymilk is really nice,I like!It's not too sweetened like those in SG.I'm also quite impressed with their rice roll cause it's like sushi & very firm!But too bad it's a bit tasteless & only the ingredients inside is nice.

Our next station was Longshan Temple!That's a place I insisted to go & we got some amulets from there as well!Feel better after praying too. (:

& I also bought my 2nd pair of shoes at the shops near the temple.It looks nice & is quite comfortable! :D

Headed back to Ximending,L had her 2nd share of Yong He Dou Jiang while I tried the bittergourd juice!We spent some time looking for Ah Zhong mee sua which L said we must try!She really love those mee sua!haha.We were actually a bit irritated cause some blogger said that it's just 2minutes walk from our hotel but we could not find it after walking round & round!I think we even walked out of Ximending at one point!In the end we found it in some corner which is really 2mins away from our hotel!I thought we had already covered the whole of Ximending for the first 2days by the amount of walking we had done in that area but it turned out there's still corners that we totally missed out on!

After lunch we headed out to Breeze;saw from some blog that there are shops selling 女人我最大 products,which we could not find.The only shops we see are high end brand like LV,Chanel,Gucci etc. I was expecting something like Far East Plaza,not Paragon style of shopping mall :/ Haha.Even their toilet is super poshed with super glam decor,even the waiting area has a sofa for you to rest 0.0 I've never ever seen toilet of such standard in SG before.I know we are both quite noob & we really spent some time figuring out how to flush/turn on the tap cause of the design.Their flushing system was super high tech okay.At the entrance they even had these sensors which show the number of people in the mall cause they have a maximum capacity of XX pax in the mall at any one time.

Headed to East Metro Mall after that & L had initially expected to buy a lot from there but it turned out to be a really a quiet place!We walked from 1 station to another!On the way we had afternoon tea to rest & I got my caffeine!I realised I need my daily dose of caffeine to stay awake!Didnt had my caffeine on the 4th day & I was dead tired by supper time!

We went on to ShiDa & GongGuan night market after that.Hmm I was expecting something like Raohe night market but it turned out otherwise.Those 2 night markets were not easy to walk cause we got lost quite a couple of times?I dont know where I was going seriously & it's not the exciting feeling but..irritating feeling.We were both tired by then & I didnt want to waste time walking the same lanes over & over again.& We didnt see as much good food as when we were at Raohe night market.Raohe is definitely e night market I wanted to go again if I had the chance :D

L had another of her bubbletea again.Haha.This bubbletea shop is just located just 1-2 stores way from our hotel.& we had the much recommended Tian Tian Li.L's aunt said the uncle very nice & friendly. :D & the food is really nice!

& this is supper for the 3rd night!I was very disappointed cause I feel we can eat so much more than this!LOL.L went back to Ah Zhong to get their mee sua!

End of day 3!I'm not uploading all the pics here cause it makes blogging VERY slow & I've to wait for a couple of seconds each time I edit the sentences/shift the pictures & that makes me VERY irritated!That's also why I take quite some time to update & complete each blog post :/

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